Thursday, 12 December 2013

Group: Final Campaign

Music Video:



MJ: Production Update

For my song advertisement I have decided to go with the version with the smaller, white lettering. This is because the reading line goes straight to Chessie's character, with the blur effect that makes her stand out more and then the path will fall on the text next to her.


The ethereal white effect also brings out the green overtones of the forest scene, which makes the advertisement look pretty as well as standing out from other advertisements.

Group: Plan For Audience Research

In order to collect as much audience research relating to our video, digipak and advert, we have decided to send out our video campaign via social media such as Facebook and email to gain as many responses as possible. As well as this, we have planned a focus group for Monday to gain more feedback from a controlled demographic of our audience.

After Monday, we will collect all of our results from both methods, and evaluate them.

Monday, 9 December 2013

FA: Digipak Update

Whilst Matt has been working on the music video production for some of today, I have been working on my digipak, and have almost finished. Currently, I am just choosing whether to go for a black and white effect, or to keep some colour:

The candle image in the top left is not my own, as I am planning to take an image tonight of the candles used in our first shoot to replace this.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Feedback On Progress

Looking a bit on the minimal side you two, I will be checking again tomorrow in which I hope to see some more detailed posts on your progress so far. I also need an update for the music video, I want to see a reworking of the opening performance scene, so you should export your newer version.

MJ: Print Work - Advert Update


In this reworked version of my magazine advert the size of the font has been resized so that it is the same size as Chessie's ghost character.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

FA: Digipak Progress

Today I have been working on the Digipak campaign. I have transferred my images to Photoshop and have been working on the layout.

Aspects I still need to work on include:
  • changing the font to the chosen one from (I need to download this from the website)
  • choosing a more suitable image for the back cover

Monday, 2 December 2013

MJ: Advertisement Progress

For this version of my advert I have edited the picture so that Chessie is on a different layer to the picture. This means that I can alter the colour of the forest whilst Chessie stays the same colour.
For the creation of the titles I used a process in which the whole layer of the picture is copied and then placed over the top of the original, I then used the font tool to write the titles.
It is a very effective look, however some have said that it is quite difficult to read, and personally I feel that, even though I like it a lot, it looks more like it would be more suited to an album for a dance track, rather than a mellow indie track.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Rough Cut Feedback

1. Some examples of A grade shots, where the footage works particularly well with the music. The concept is appropriate for the sound and the editing is beginning to show good selection of shots.

2. The vignette at the beginning of the wood scene is better than the rather more defined circular one which you then switch to. The shots in the wood need sequencing correctly as the narrative doesn't appear to be in the right order at present. The performance in the hall is much improved and some of the shots on Chessie and tracking in and out are lovely. Not all the pans are working because of background and the angle the camera ends up it. This however could be beautiful, I suggest if you are running out of time, that you export this footage onto another time line on a different computer and each work on a different bit of the narrative.

3. You should shoot performance outside as originally planned, this is what is missing and I think would enhance it.

4. Print work is progressing well. The blur effect on the images - I don't think works. The shot of Matt is appropriate but needs to be a stronger selection from your images. You examples of found images lower down on the blog are good examples. There is clear evidence of a cohesive band image here so it is worth working on the images to get the best ones.

Blog: is showing development of ideas and reflect. You need to ensure that you are using more media terms in your analysis and keep it technical and detailed. Bullet points are better than continuous prose.

5. Your music video is currently a level 3 but could be a level 4 (A) as I have seen the evidence from the shoot. You are losing marks for this part of the criteria: "...including controlled use of the camera, attention to framing, ...and close attention to mise en scene." 26/40 + a mid C.